Intentional Choices Create Better Performance
Coaching is a catalyst to improving your thinking and improved thinking inspires better performance in all parts of life. Coaching activates the brain and pulls out stories, beliefs, doubts that may no longer serve you. Through dialogue with a skilled coach, you are able to see connections where you may not have before.
In General, An Executive Coaching Client Will Follow A Process Including:
Zooming In
Discovery and self reflection through assessments
Planning actions, behaviors, and honoring milestones
Implementing and redirecting as needed
Celebrating wins and creating a plan for long term success
& Sustainability
A client can implement all of the tools and the systems at his or her disposal, but will only make lasting change if there is personal buy-in. As such, my style is to laser in and act as a mirror to the client.
Experience has taught me that once the client views the world differently, the behavior changes occur organically. At this point, systems, tools, and action plans are key to accountability and sustainability.